The Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC) is a standing subcommittee of the University Academic Senate (UAS).  Established in April 1983, the FSBC works to provide an informed understanding of the financial health of the university.  The FSBC advocates for the faculty on all matters with significant budgetary implications with focused attention on new programs, salaries and healthcare benefits. 

The handbook language regarding the committee reads as follows:

e.     Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC):  (as revised 04 14 23? by UAS)

 i.    Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the FSBC consists of seven faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), two from the Seidman College of Business, one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. The term of office is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester. Terms of those from colleges with two or more members are staggered.  

ii.     Student Membership: One undergraduate and one graduate student representative selected by the Student Senate for a one-year term.

iii.    Administrative Membership: The Provost or designee and the Vice President for Finance or designee, both serve as ex officio, non-voting.

iv.    Leadership:  The Chair of FSBC for the following academic year will be elected during September each year to allow the Chair-elect to learn the functions of the position.  The Provost or designee will conduct the election.

v.    Responsibilities: The FSBC has four primary responsibilities:

a)    To study pertinent data and make recommendations to the Senate through the ECS on the allocation of funds within the Grand Valley budget as a whole as well as within the budgets of the administrative divisions,

b)    To study pertinent data and make recommendations to the Senate through the ECS on the items of the budget, compensation or faculty job security, 

c)     To study pertinent data and make recommendations on proposals for the establishment of additional units/programs at Grand Valley. These recommendations will be made to the Senate through the ECS at the Prospectus stage and through UCC at the New Program Proposal stage, and

d)     To provide leadership and support to faculty as Units develop their Unit Stability Report and Self-Study Report and to review and provide feedback on these reports.

The President and/or ECS may request the FSBC to study specific items and make recommendations concerning them.

The Chair of FSBC will run meetings, facilitate the deliberations of the committee, and serve as lead author of documents produced by the committee.  The Chair will also attend all ECS/UAS meetings during which FSBC materials are discussed. The Chair of FSBC will also serve on the University Benefits Committee and the New Program Council and may represent faculty in discussions with administration regarding university budgets. 

2024-25 FSBC Members

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
    Rachel Anderson (ENG)(2026)
    Lawrence Burns (PSY)(2027) Fall replacement Osman Patel
    Doug Graham (BMS)(2025)
    Robert Hollister (BIO)(2027) Chair
    Paul Murphy (HST)(2026)
    Paul Stephenson (STA)(2027)
    Richard Vallery (PHY)(2025) Fall replacement Filiz Dogru

Seidman College of Business
    Gregg Dimkoff (2026)
    Steve Dahlquist (2027)

College of Education & Community Innovation
    Jina Lee (2027)

College of Computing
    Zachary Kurmas (2027)

Padnos College of Engineering
    Jeffrey Ward (2027)

College of Health Professions
    Jon Rose (2027)

Kirkhof College of Nursing
    Christina Quick (2025)

Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
    Ramya Swayamprakash (2025)

University Libraries
    Gayle Schaub (2026)

Administrative Membership (ex officio)
    Bonnie Bowen (Provost designee)
    Jennifer Schick (Vice President for Finance designee)

Student Senate Representative
    Unknown (graduate student)
    Evan VanDyke (undergraduate student)

The committee meets regularly on Fridays from 12:00-1:30 p.m.  See Agenda & Minutes.

Considering joining the committee?

Meetings Times

The committee generally meets every other week Fridays, Noon-1:30PM.  We meet in Allendale in the fall and on the Pew Campus in the winter, with occasional zoom meetings.


The workload varies throughout the semester but is generally 1-3 hours a week in addition to the meetings.  The committee reviews unit stability updates (all units annually), reviews all New Program Proposals, and has a number of regular updates (salary recommendations, health benefits, university budget, admissions trends).  The committee has a comprehensive scope and can address any issue related to the university budget. 

For more information or questions contact a committee member or the current chair:  Robert Hollister [email protected]

Page last modified January 16, 2025